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en:buildings [28.09.2024 17:56] – Externe Bearbeitung [10.01.2025 20:49] (aktuell) – gelöscht masterspiel
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-====== Buildings ====== 
-In [[pr0game]] there are various **buildings**, including supply buildings and facilities. They represent the infrastructure of a [[Planet|planet]]. The construction time of buildings can be reduced by upgrading the [[Robot Factory]] and [[Nanite Factory]]. 
-Buildings cannot be destroyed in an [[Attack]] or [[Attack|Raid]], unlike [[Defense|defense facilities]]. However, all buildings except the [[Moon Base]] and the [[Terraformer]] can be [[Demolish (Building)|demolished]]. 
-===== Building Construction Time ===== 
-  Construction time in hours = [(Crystal + Metal) / (2500 * (1 + Robot Factory level))] * 0.5 ^ Nanite Factory level 
-===== List of Buildings ===== 
-A list of all buildings: 
-=== Supply === 
-  * [[metal_mine|Metal Mine]] 
-  * [[Kristallmine|Crystal Mine]] 
-  * [[Deuteriumsynthetisierer|Deuterium Synthesizer]] 
-  * [[Solarkraftwerk|Solar Power Plant]] 
-  * [[Fusionskraftwerk|Fusion Power Plant]] 
-  * [[Metallspeicher|Metal Storage]] 
-  * [[Kristallspeicher|Crystal Storage]] 
-  * [[Deuteriumtank|Deuterium Tank]] 
-=== Facilities === 
-  * [[robot_factory|Robot Factory]] 
-  * [[Raumschiffwerft|Shipyard]] 
-  * [[research_laboratory|Research Lab]] 
-  * [[Allianzdepot|Alliance Depot]] 
-  * [[Terraformer|Terraformer]] 
-  * [[Raketensilo|Missile Silo]] 
-  * [[Nanitenfabrik|Nanite Factory]] 
-  * [[repair_dock|Repair Dock]] 
-=== Moon === 
-  * [[Mondbasis|Moon Base]] 
-  * [[Sensorphalanx|Sensor Phalanx]] 
-  * [[Sprungtor|Jump Gate]] 
en/buildings.1727546164.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 28.09.2024 17:56 von