


The GalaTool is integrated into the game. You can use this to save the various planets of players.

In contrast to the Scavengers Toolbox, the GalaTool is activated by default for every player.

To use the GalaTool, simply call up the galaxy.
Each system in each galaxy must be synchronized manually using the „Sync“ button.

ATTENTION: Each system change costs 10 deuterium, except for the home system

The collected data is saved locally on the device currently in use.
The data can be exported via the „Export JSON“ or the „Export CSV“ button.
Via the „Browse…“ button to import an existing file or a file provided by others.

Here is a „How to: Gala Tool“:

en/galatool.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 17.11.2023 20:43 von dawnoftheuwe