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Metal Mine

Metal is a crucial component for the advancement and growth of your empire. A well-developed Metal Mine is key to ensuring a consistent supply of this vital resource.

Production Rate

Metal per hour = 30 * level * 1.1 ^ level

Both Uni 2 and Uni 3 feature 2x resource production, meaning the metal production rate is twice that of Uni 1. This means that without a Metal Mine, you'll automatically produce 40 metal units per hour.

Metal Mine Cost

The mines require exponentially more resources to upgrade them to the next level, according to the fromula:

Metal cost = 40 * 1.5 ^ level

Crystal cost = 10 *1.5 ^ level

Metal Mine production, energy consumption and cost Chart

Below is a detailed chart showing the production of metal per hour at different levels of the Metal Mine, along with the energy consumption and cost:

Level Metal Production per Hour Difference in Metal Production Energy Consumption per Hour Difference in Energy Consumption Metal Cost Crystal cost
1 33 0 11 0 60 15
2 73 40 25 14 90 22
3 120 47 40 15 135 33
4 176 56 59 19 202 50
5 242 66 81 22 303 75
6 319 77 107 26 455 113
7 410 91 137 30 683 170
8 515 105 172 35 1025 256
9 637 122 213 41 1537 384
10 779 142 260 47 2306 576
11 942 163 314 54 3459 864
12 1130 188 377 63 5189 1297
13 1347 217 449 72 7784 1946
14 1595 248 532 83 11677 2919
15 1880 285 627 95 17515 4378
16 2206 326 736 109 26273 6568
17 2578 372 860 124 39410 9852
18 3003 425 1001 141 59115 14778
19 3487 484 1163 162 88673 22168
20 4037 550 1346 183 133010 33252
21 4663 626 1555 209 199515 49878
22 5373 710 1791 236 299273 74818
23 6179 806 2060 269 448909 112227
24 7092 913 2364 304 673364 168341
25 8127 1035 2709 345 1010046 252511

Metal production for 1x eco speed, without base metal income.

Quick Fact

Certain items and technologies in the game, such as Solar Satellites, Espionage Probes, and specific advanced technologies, do not require metal.

en/metal_mine.1732201898.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 21.11.2024 15:11 von zrogezrg