

Übersetzungen dieser Seite:


Repair Dock

The Repair Dock is a new building that plays a critical role in the aftermath of battles.

Creation of Wreckfields

Wreckfields are generated when there is a minimum fleet loss of 5% and at least 150k units from the defending planet or moon owner. These fields contain the remnants of ships that did not become part of the debris field (DF 40% ⇒ WF 60%). Wreckfields are temporary, lasting for 72 hours before dissipating into the planet's atmosphere (being deleted on PlanetRessUpdate). The existence of a wreckfield and its contents are visible in the galaxy view. Should a new battle occur and create additional wrecks, these will be added to the existing field, and the 72-hour timer for deletion will reset. Like debris fields, wreckfields are tethered to the planet if the battle occurred at a moon's location.

Repair Dock Functionality

The Repair Dock enables the repair of a portion of a wreckfield's ships based on its level, starting at an effective 15% (25% x 60%). Repairs are free of resource costs and can commence 30 minutes after wreckfield creation. The maximum repair duration is 12 hours, calculated based on the number of ships selected for repair and the levels of the Shipyard and Nanite Factory. The user must manually deploy the repair order, or it will auto-deploy 72 hours after repair completion (on PlanetRessUpdate). Only one repair order is permitted per planet, but this order can include all repairable ships.

Espionage Reports and Repair Orders

While a repair order is active on a planet, espionage reports will indicate the number and type of ships under repair but will not reveal the completion or deployment times.

Notifications and Visibility

Players will receive notifications in battle reports when a wreckfield is created. However, only defenders will have visibility on the contents of the wreckfield.

Impact of Vacation Mode

Activating vacation mode will pause all timers, including those for repair orders and the deletion of wreckfields.

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